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 Summer 2018: Technical Seminar on Advanced Operating Systems   -- Master Information Science


07.06.18 WAMOS 2018 Workshop: change of date
Due to a date conflict, the WAMOS 2018 Workshop had to been changed to 09-Aug-2018. All deadlines (submission, review, etc.) have been shifted accordingly.

22.05.18 Meltown/Spectre; the story continues
more speculative execution based side channel attacks have been disclosed. See here, here and here. (Be sure to look at the acknowledgment section, you may find that you know some of the people named there.)

16.05.18 Next meeting: 23.05.2018, 10:15, Room D17
On 23rd of May, we will have Prof. Dr. Michael Engel of University of Coburg as our guest. He will give a talk on Hardware Abstraction and Virtualization for Specific Use Cases.

03.05.18 all PC invitations accepted - PC complete
All invitees to the programme committee have been accepted. The WAMOS 2018 PC is complete now.

27.04.18 Next meeting: 02.05.2018, 9:00 am D17
The next meeting will be at the date and place given above. Please come up with suggestions on topics you would like to cover in your paper.

27.04.18 Next meeting: 02.05.2018, 9:00 am D17
The next meeting will be at the date and place given above. Please come up with suggestions on topics you would like to cover in your paper.

24.04.18 WAMOS open for submissions
Conference management by easychair is accepted, the workshop is now open for submissions.

Time Schedule

Beginning of seminar 18-Apr-2018
WAMOS 2018 Workshop 09-Aug-2018


The seminar will be about security vulnerabilities found in modern computer architectures such as meltdown and spectre and their impact on the design of microkernel-based systems.Below are links to the materials of the previous AOS lecture.
ChapterTitleRecommended reading
by Robert Kaiser, HSRM
1Introduction (Microkernels and L4)
by Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Hansen 1970]
[Engler et al. 1995]
2 OS execution models
by Kevin Elphinstone, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
Why threads are a bad idea (for most purposes)
by John Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems Labs
(slides) (handout)
Why events are a bad idea (for high-concurrency servers)
by Rob von Behren et al, UCB
(slides) (handout)
[von Behren et al., 2003]
3Virtual Machines
by Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Barham et al., 2003]
[Waldspurger, 2002]
[Dall and Nieh, 2013]
4SMP and Locking
by Kevin Elphinstone, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Anderson, 1990]
[Clements et al., 2013]
5Performance Evaluation
by Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Fleming and Wallace, 1986]
[Gernot's Benchmarking Crimes]
6Caches (What every OS designer must know)
by Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Clark, Emer 1985]
[Uhlig et al. 1994]
[Wiggins 2003]
[Schimmel 1994]
by Peter Chubb, DATA61
[McKenney, 2004]
[McKenney et al., 2002]
[Ritchie and Thompson, 1974]
8Real-Time Systems
by Stefan Patters and Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Liu, 2000]
9Microkernel Design (with focus on seL4)
by Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Liedtke 1993]
[Liedtke 1995]
[Blackham et al. 2012]
[Elphinstone & Heiser 2013]
10OS Security
by Toby Murray and Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Miller et al, 2003]
[Watson et al, 2010]
by Ihor Kuz, UNSW
[Porter et al. 2011]
12Trustworthy Systems
by Gernot Heiser, UNSW
(slides) (handout)
[Klein et al. 2014]
[Amani et al, 2016]
[Shen and Elphinstone, 2015]
13Beyond Microkernels -- Hardware Abstraction and Virtualization for Specific Use Cases
by Michael Engel, Coburg University of Applied Sciences
(abstract) (slides)


  3 -  AOS wiki


  1 - Tanenbaum, A. S.: Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2001 (Engl. Originalausgabe)
  2 - Stallings: Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Prentice Hall, 2004
  3 - Curt Schimmel: UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures, Addison Wesley, 1994

Note: The above are standard textbooks on operating systems. There aren't really any books covering the contents of this lecture. Note however, that each set of lecture slides is accompanied by a selection of recommended papers to read.