Home Teaching Research Publications

Winter 2020/2021 Current Topic in CS: Verifying Operating Systems by Abstract Interpretation (LV 92111) 
Master Information Science


  • 28.11.2021 Start of Seminar
        The Seminar starts today, 10:00. As a sufficiently small number of students have registered for this course, we will be able to conduct the seminar in presence. Please be aware that your vaccination status will be checked upon entry to the building and that you will be required to wear a mask most of the time. I will attempt to set up an online session via BBB so that participants who can not make it to campus will be able to join this time. See ZAPP for a link to the BBB room.

  • 28.11.2021 Please register in COMPASS
         Reminder: participants of this seminar must register in COMPASS and send me a filled-in Registration form.

Important dates

Tech discussions:(see later)

Slides (ID/password required)

  1. Introductory notes [PDF]

Recommended Reading

(see later)